Final spots just released!

My NEW Program Starting January 11th!

Living in the Domain of Miracles

Where you'll work live with me as your coach, mentor and guide to live a transformed life in every way! Read below to learn more.

+ Get INCREDIBLE bonuses only available on this page!

Enrollment closes in...

As seen on...

(As many of you may already know...) 30 years ago, I was diagnosed with clinical depression multiple times. I was suffering from unrelenting addiction. I was in a battering relationship back in my late 20s.

Oh, and did I mention that I was also homeless?

How many of us have felt that we’re swimming in a sea of negativity, trapped in limiting beliefs, and battling fear, anxiety, and stress?

That feeling of recurring patterns happening over, and over again.

I certainly did.

It held me captive, leaving me without direction and purpose for DECADES. And if there’s one thing worse than feeling directionless, it’s allowing the potential for a purposeful, fulfilling life to slip through your fingers, day by day, unnoticed and unclaimed.

I never wanted to feel that way again, not after seeing first-hand how it had affected me, and others, like:

  • Climbing the corporate ladder, only to realize you’re still unfulfilled and questioning if the endless pursuit of success is worth sacrificing true passion and purpose.

  • Constantly worrying about money, living paycheck to paycheck, and watching financial goals slip away.

  • Finding it challenging to form deep, meaningful connections, feeling isolated even in a crowd, and wondering if there's a way to cultivate authentic relationships that resonate with one's true self.

  • Pursuing external achievements in the hope that they will bring happiness, only to discover that the joy is fleeting, leaving an emptiness that's hard to shake

  • Struggling with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, feeling overwhelmed by conflicting advice, and yearning for a sustainable approach that aligns with one's unique body and well-being.

I’ve been there! Ugh!

Most of us have, right?

The worst part is, we use these singular experiences to write our internal story of who WE are.

And the more of these situations we find ourselves in, the more we reinforce this belief, leading to a tighter and tighter loop of doom.“You’re doing it again! Stop."

I see so many other people out there, living fulfilling lives, conquering their dreams...

"Why can’t I be like them?”

What can you do?

You've probably tried lots of things already...

  • You have done lots of courses…

  • You have used affirmations…

  • You have created vision boards…

  • Maybe you have even worked with a coach…

But the advice and practices you got from them never seem to stick.

So what happens?

You still end up back in that place of feeling lost and unsure of yourself.


You can find a lot of feel-good attitudes, tips and tricks, and motivational talks when it comes to finding your purpose.

And they might even work for a while.

You feel more aligned, energetic, and enthusiastic for a few days, weeks, or even months.

But then, it wears off.

The temporary high fades, and you're left grappling with the same old doubts, fears, and uncertainties. That is a process I call, “metafizzle!”.

But it doesn't have to be that way...

After improving, failing, and then improving again for over 30 years, I identified a few simple beliefs holding me back… and most importantly, the KEYS to:

  • Reversing old patterns

  • Living an empowered existence

  • Manifesting your dreams and desires

  • Growing spiritually

  • And living a life of happiness, peace, and joy (I’ll share the key with you about those a little bit further down this page)

Point is, I slowly and painfully crawled out of it — and even became a USA Today best selling author, a 5x Amazon best seller and TEDx speaker.

I was even featured on TV several times!

I still can’t believe it sometimes — because so much of the world knows “Jackie Woodside” as a world-renowned coach and psychotherapist.

I still remember those times in my life where I was homeless. Or when I left the medical clinic, embarrassed that the nice doctor spoke to me because he could tell I was being battered at home.

When I was at my lowest.

Now.. this is the truth nobody tells you.

It doesn’t matter what you try (and how hard you try it!), if you don’t know how to condition your consciousness, you will always feel lost.

The blind spot that's holding us back...

Isn't it intriguing how much time we spend pondering questions like,

'What does this person think of me?' or,

'Is my social media post getting enough likes?'

How about, 'am I climbing the career ladder fast enough?'

We get so caught up in these concerns, but we often neglect the profound questions that truly shape our lives, like:

  • Who am I?

  • Why am I here?

  • What's my purpose?

  • What are my values?

  • What's my vision (and how do I get there?)

And maybe most importantly, how do I live with a peaceful mind and joyful heart?

We recognize the significance of these questions, don't we?

They're among the most vital inquiries we can pose to ourselves.

Yet, how often do we commit to finding the answers?

It's bewildering how we often relegate these questions to the back burner. These very questions should GUIDE our daily choices, career decisions, and relationships.

Still, many of us go through life without ever seriously exploring how to address them!

It's almost as if we expect the answers to magically appear once we reach adulthood.

Then, we become frustrated when we don't see progress in our careers, finances, health, or relationships.

We blame external circumstances, changing cities, entering new relationships, or finding new jobs, believing they will bring the change we seek.

However, the truth is that you could have the best tools and resources at your disposal, but without a clear vision, understanding, guidance, and an alignment with consciousness, your life's full potential remains untapped.

Imagine owning a grand piano, but not knowing how to play a single note...

That's what happens when you overlook consciousness...

It's the key to reversing old patterns, living an empowered existence, manifesting your dreams, and cultivating spiritual growth, happiness, peace, and joy.

Your consciousness is the linchpin, but it can also become the biggest obstacle when you don't comprehend how to condition it to serve you.

It makes up your beliefs, emotions, attitudes, and thoughts that drive your decisions, actions, relationships, and habits, whether consciously or unconsciously (and there's a lot of unconscious influence).

The major roadblock for most people is their lack of awareness regarding their level of consciousness they reside in.

They can't recognize the beliefs that hold them back or grasp what keeps these beliefs going.

Consequently, they get trapped in patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior that yield predictable outcomes.

But it's essential to know that this isn't your fault!

It's simply the result of not receiving the training to live in the domain of miracles – the ability to master your consciousness and chart the course of your life.

"The biggest thing for me are the internal shifts… "

"I had a friend who had participated in Jackie’s program, and she said to me, 'You have HAVE TO do this.'

Funny thing, once you are in Jackie’s program, you just keep taking them over and over again, because your life is constantly changing.

I’ve felt like a very different person each time I’ve taken it, and recently someone even said to me, “You look different.” And I feel different.

The biggest thing for me are the internal shifts, how I experience myself, how I experience circumstances. I will continue living into that going forward."

– Amanda Coburn, MA

Introducing 'Living in The Domain of Miracles'

In the pursuit of answering life's profound questions, we acknowledge that the journey of self-discovery is not without its challenges.

We may find ourselves at a crossroads, unsure of our path.

Our stories may lack the depth we desire, leaving us searching for clarity. There are moments when our true purpose feels elusive, and the steps to achieve it are unclear.

We've grappled with these uncertainties, perhaps attributing them to inherent traits and saying, "that's just the way I am."

If you’ve ever asked yourself questions like…

  • Why does it feel like my mind and emotions are running me rather than the other way around?

  • Why does it feel like I’m swimming in a sea of negative thinking and limiting beliefs?

  • Why am I SO tired of being caught up by fear, anxiety, stress?

  • Why does it feel like I’m stuck in this cycle of recurring patterns that drag me down?

  • Why do I feel lost without a sense of inner purpose and direction?

Then it’s time to make a change.

You can claim your power, define yourself on your terms and design your life once and for all.

How do I know this?

Because I’ve learned and systematically tested it with myself and THOUSANDS of students over the past 20 years.

And now I want to show you how...

Of course, you’ve probably tried a few courses, books, and programs…

Maybe you’ve watched some videos on YouTube or listened to a few podcasts.

Maybe you’ve even gone to a coach for help.

And yet — here you are — still stuck in your old patterns.

You’re obviously still in search of a solution. And I’m so confident that THIS is your solution because it goes to the root cause of your frustration and feelings.

Let me walk you through what this program is first…because Living in the Domain of Miracles goes much deeper than simply “leveling up” your life.

Here's what's in store for you...

'Living in the Domain of Miracles' will train you on how to:

  • Reverse old patterns

  • Develop an unshakeable sense of who you are

  • Give you EXTREME clarity as you face life's challenges

  • Allow you to live an empowered existence

  • Manifest your dreams and desires

  • Grow spiritually

  • And ultimately live a life of meaning, happiness, peace, and joy

Imagine having a compass for life, one that points you towards your true purpose and helps you navigate the vast sea of existence.

That’s what’s in store here - a transformative journey to discover your life purpose, and chart a course for your life based on the truth of your inner wisdom and knowing.

You’ll identify your core values, and declare your personal mission. These elements will serve as the foundation for creating a profound vision—a vision in which the Universe expresses itself through you.

And unlike other skim-the-surface material, we’ve grounded Living in the Domain of Miracles in action-based steps with a dedicated accountability team assigned to you.

You'll dive deeper into the practical aspects, developing a clear, specific action plan. This plan will align with the consciousness needed to bring it to life, ensuring that you're not just setting goals, but you are also equipped for sustained success and fulfillment.

Throughout the course, you will delve into the very essence of consciousness. You'll understand what consciousness is, why it holds such significance, and how it shapes your reality.

With scientific-backed strategies and practices, you'll learn how to elevate your consciousness, setting the stage for transformation in your finances, health, and relationships.

Living in the Domain of Miracles provides you with the tools to establish rock-solid consciousness and beliefs that will propel you forward, empowering you for the rest of your life.

I’ve designed it to be your roadmap to an extraordinary life, guided by purpose and consciousness.

I will reveal everything that has helped me go from:

  • Homeless to 3 water-front homes

  • From domestic violence to happily married for 22 years

  • From depression to happiness and fulfillment

  • From feeling like a loser to knowing I am in charge of my life.

WARNING - This Program is NOT for everyone...

Living in the Domain of Miracles is NOT for you if you...

  • Have full control of your mind

  • Work in harmony with your emotions

  • Have conquered fear and anxiety

  • Have broken away from bad habits

  • Are completely grounded

  • Have clear purpose and direction.

  • Only like scratching the surface in life

Living in the Domain of Miracles IS for you if you...

  • Feel an unexpressed depth within

  • Crave life's deeper meaning

  • Stuck in negative thought cycles

  • Feel tired and stressed

  • Are caught up in bad habits

  • Feel lost and are seeking direction

  • Are ready to redesign your life

"My life became much brighter very quickly..."

"Living in the Domain of Miracles continues to have a major impact on my life.

I could not have imagined the shifts that would occur as I worked with you to unearth MY values, mission, vision and goals.

I thought I knew who I was before our work, your curriculum increased my awareness significantly. I found life, energy, and sense of compassion elevating.

Others around me began to reflect positive changes also. My life became much brighter quickly." - Karen Woods, FL

Start 2024 the right way...

Living in the Domain of Miracles is A 6-month deep inquiry into your life

Health, career, your home, your dreams, your relationships, your finances, your spiritual life… every area of life will be addressed, assessed, and newly designed to meet your exact wishes, dreams, and desires.

You will work live with me as your coach, mentor and guide every week.

You will come to see the profound difference it makes to claim your power – just like I did many years ago.

I will personally walk you through how to answer the important questions of:

I will reveal everything that has helped me go from:

  • Who am I?

  • What's my purpose?

  • What are my values?

  • What's my vision, and how am I going to get there?

After we've done that I will help you raise your consciousness so that you not only have good ideas but you have a vibratory pattern that will allow that to come into your life.

And if you’re wondering what this all looks like from the beginning, let me show you.

"Paved the way to discovering my life’s purpose…"

"Living in the Domain of Miracles has been a gift for me.

I have struggled with depression, anxiety and addiction for most of my adult life. Jackie’s coursework, along with her guidance and support have given me the tools I needed to break free from the bondage of my ego and open the door to discovering my true essence.

Identifying my core values paved the way to discovering my life’s purpose, my mission and vision. I am truly grateful for the gift of Living in the Domain of Miracles for the rest of my life!" - Cindy Santos, NH

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Secure Your Spot Right Now!

Free BONUS - Life Design Course (valued at $497)

Over 20 video chapter (3.5 hours of content) that teaches you a proven coaching methodology formulated to get your life where you always wanted it to be. Backed by behavioral neuroscience, as well as contemporary spiritual teaching and philosophy, Life Design delivers consistent, undeniable results.

Usually $497, get FREE INSTANT access when you upgrade now.

Free BONUS - 100 Page Worksheet (valued at $97)

Get a free 100 page workbook sent to you when the program begins. This has everything you need to get the most out of Living in the Domain of Miracles.

Free BONUS - Live Monthly Q&A's With Me (valued at $997/month)

You'll have full access to my brain and decades of experience. I usually charge hundreds of dollars even for one session, but you get all of this included!

Free BONUS - Personal Accountability Team (valued at $997)

When you sign up for Living in the Domain of Miracles, we'll grant you your very own personal accountability team, to ensure that you're getting incredible results throughout the duration of the program.

Secure Your Spot Now In 'Living in the Domain of Miracles'

Starting January 11th 2024

One-Time Price Of Just $997 $497

But you must act RIGHT NOW, not tomorrow

Not Next Week...

When the program starts, enrollment closes for good.

"If you follow the process, you will get there…"

"After meeting some of Jackie’s students from Living in the Domain of Miracles, I said to myself, “I want that. I want to do whatever it takes to feel that way, to express that way, to have the countenance that they do."

So that’s how I took Jackie’s course. This course is such a solid foundation to understand who you are, it’s a great structure to build upon. I like that you get to do all of this without digging up your past and old wounds.

Jackie’s course is designed to be a roadmap to help you live your best life possible, and if you follow the process, you will get there." - Lavera Graves, TX

Frequently Asked Questions

“What can I expect after I complete Living in the Domain of Miracles?”

Here’s a list of everything to expect when you sign up for Living in the Domain of Miracles:

  • Resolve any and every area of your life that is frustrating, not working, or needs to be improved.

  • Know your life purpose

  • Discern your core values

  • Declare your personal mission

  • Use these elements to create a vision for how the Universe wants to express itself through you.

  • Create a clear, specific action plan, aligned with the consciousness needed to fulfill it, so that you are set up for sustained success and fulfillment.

  • Understand what consciousness is and why it matters.

  • Understand your current level of consciousness and how it is impacting you.

  • Learn numerous specific strategies and practices that are scientifically proven to raise consciousness.

  • Improve your finances, your health, and your relationships.

  • Address energy drains that hold you back and drag you down.

  • Establish a rock-solid consciousness and beliefs to carry you forward and empower you for the rest of your life.

And remember, you will have your own accountability team to keep you on track, and me as a coach!

“What day and time are the weekly calls?”

The program runs from January 11 – June 13, 2024, and the weekly calls are held on Thursdays at 12:00 Noon Eastern Time.

“It looks great, but I don’t know that I have the time to commit to this”

Today more than ever it feels like we’re stuck in a hamster wheel of trying to find the time for the things that we feel are important to us. I totally get it!

The weekly calls (12:00 Noon Eastern Time each Thursday) were designed to remain friendly on your schedule, while still giving you enough time (alongside the worksheets and your dedicated accountability team) to see meaningful results.

In addition, if you don’t have the time to attend the live sessions, each session is recorded and emailed to you so you won’t miss a thing!

“Is Living in the Domain of Miracles online only?”

Yes, Living in the Domain of Miracles was designed to be completed completely online to allow you the most flexibility. While it is online, each session is held live for the most interaction and coaching. 

“It all looks great, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for personal development.”

Personal development can feel like a big step, but it's also one of the most rewarding journeys you can undertake.

Living in the Domain of Miracles is designed to meet you where you are in your personal growth journey.

Whether you're just starting or have been on a path of self-discovery, it doesn’t matter!

The material is structured to guide you through self-reflection, purpose, and vision, helping you to understand and raise your consciousness week-by-week. It's about taking steps at your own pace to unlock your true potential and live a more meaningful life.

“I’m a busy mom, and I’ve got so many other priorities right now…”

Life is filled with various priorities, and it's easy to put your personal growth on the back burner.

But consider this: by investing in your own development, you're better equipped to handle your other priorities.

Living in the Domain of Miracles provides the tools and insights that can improve your efficiency, relationships, and overall well-being.

It's not about adding more to your to-do list; it's about enhancing your capacity to handle the existing priorities with more clarity and purpose.

Think of it as an investment that can have a positive ripple effect on all aspects of your life.

“Can’t I just find this information online, or by watching videos on YouTube”

Well, actually, no, you can’t!

This is a unique, proprietary program developed by someone with 30 years experience as a therapist and coach. The approach is unlike any other out there.

Sure, you could dig through loads of other information yourself, and bit by bit put together the pieces of living a conscious life together yourself, but that will give you knowledge, not transformation.

You could do this all through trial and error, and eventually find yourself out the other end, with a hell of a story to boot! The problem is, this is EXACTLY what happened to me! And you want to know how long it took me to figure out?

30+ years!

And by now, you’re probably aware of all of the trials and tribulations that I faced during that time. It certainly wasn’t easy. Oh how I wish I had access to this information back then. I couldn’t imagine where I would be now!

So think of it this way. You could go on the path alone, and figure all of this out yourself. Or you could invest a small amount today, to save you years of trying to figure it all out on your own.

Why now?

After all, everything's going smoothly, right?

What harm could come from not embarking on this journey?

Unfortunately, that's the trap.

Just as consistently poor eating can lead to weight gain over the years, you can coast through life without ever exploring the intricacies of your inner consciousness (what this program is ALL about).

Yet, each day you neglect the art of tapping into your own potential, you're missing out.

Perhaps you unintentionally let valuable opportunities slip away, oblivious to the richness they could bring to your life.

You might be stuck in a state of uncertainty and unawareness.

Picture yourself wondering if you're truly living your purpose, while life's endless possibilities pass you by.

Or think about those moments when you questioned your direction and felt lost amidst the chaos of daily life.

Opportunities slip away, and the reason remains elusive.

You could try harder, take extra courses, or perhaps aligning your consciousness with your inner self is the key.

Everyone can enhance their understanding of their consciousness, even if it doesn't come naturally.

Reflect on the life-changing opportunities you've let slip due to a lack of connection with your inner consciousness...

Those moments when you doubted your path, missed chances that lead to the inevitable "What if...?" regrets.

Some individuals repeat these scenarios, never understanding the root cause.

Then there's another type of person...

Someone who recognizes that delving into their consciousness is the cornerstone to a happy, fulfilled life.

And that committing to an in-depth inquiry into their life with a coach is the key to their self-discovery.

They unlock doors in life, forge deeper connections with their true selves, and embark on journeys of personal transformation.

And that’s the reason that Living in the Domain of Miracles kicks off on January 11 - to give you the opportunity to be that person who takes action rather than sitting on the sidelines.

And I’m even taking 50% off the regular price and giving you additional bonuses that I do not offer anywhere else.

So, which path will you take?

Secure your spot and receive your bonuses...

One-Time Price Of Just $997 $497

Spots are extremely limited!

Copyright 2023 | Jackie Woodside | Privacy Policy | Contact: (508) 333-5520 or | Address: 52 Western View Drive Marlborough, MA USA 01752